FARC funds tied to Lula

Publicado: 2010-05-19   Clicks: 2280

FARC funds tied to Lula
Washington Times ^ | March 22, 2005 | Kelly Hearn

Posted on martes, 22 de marzo de 2005 01:30:57 p.m. by Tailgunner Joe


  "This shows that FARC is working throughout Latin America to revive the socialist ideal," said Luis Villamarin    , a retired colonel of the Colombian army who fought FARC forces for 25 years.

     More than exporting criminal skills to neighboring countries, Col. Villamarin said, FARC is attempting to "internationalize their efforts by sponsoring socialist revolution throughout the Southern Cone."

    "For a couple of years, they have been in a period of retreat with the idea being to avoid pitched battles and open conflict, moving their leadership deep into the jungle," said Adam Isacson, senior associate of the Center for International Policy in Washington and co-author of a book on Colombia.

     "That is changing this year, as they have started picking off columns and bases in isolated areas. Apparently they are moving out of this retreat as the elections near," he added.

     Analysts say FARC is working to export its fine-tuned criminal skills in drug trafficking and kidnapping in the region.

     Money, for example, is likely behind the reputed involvement by a FARC commando in the kidnapping and slaying of Cecilia Cubas, 32, in Paraguay, Mr. Isacson said.

      The body of Miss Cubas was found last month in a shallow grave near Asuncion. Investigators discovered e-mails exchanged between the kidnappers and a FARC commander.

The Colombian guerrilla group denies involvement in the kidnapping. But the case prompted Colombia and Paraguay to announce this month a joint effort to battle narcotics trafficking and address Paraguay's contention that FARC had infiltrated its borders.

     U.S. officials and observers also contend that FARC is expanding its support of regional movements like the "cocaleros" (small-scale coca farmers) of Bolivia and remnants of the Shining Path in Peru, while cultivating drug trafficking links in and beyond the triple border region of northern Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.


Obras del autor

    1. Ganar la Guerra para Conquistar la paz2. El Eln por dentro3. El Cartel de las Farc,(The Farc cartel en inglés) 4. En el Infierno, (In Hell en inglés) 5. ¿Cesó la Horrible Noche?, 6. La Silla Vacía, 7. Complot contra Colombia, 8. Operación Jaque9. Conexión Al Qaeda (Siec Al Kaida en polaco), 10. Narcoterrorismo la Guerra del Nuevo Siglo11. Deyanira Canto de Guerra y Paz12. Martes de Horror13. Delirio del Libertador, (The Delirium of the Liberator en inglés).  14. Mágica Leyenda del Dorado,  15. Cóndor en el Aire16. Drama-Pesadilla y Espectáculo 17. La Selva Roja

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